Flash news: United Kingdom music industry is drowning
It is not a secret anymore; the world has been turning upside down since March 2020. Most sectors have been paralyzed but one in particular we do not hear enough: the music sector. We feared for so long seeing our festivals cancelled until 2022, something else caught our attention. Let’s focus on the United Kingdom, it has been decided by the leaders of the sector that by Christmas 170.000 jobs in music and events would be removed. This is a hard call for all the professionals.
We have noticed that since the beginning of the Corona virus crisis, revenues have dropped 80%, which leads to this situation (suppressing jobs). But it also jeopardies the survival of the sector for longer times.
Additionally, leaders state that they were the first ones closing and the last ones reopening all of this without being taken into consideration by the State. However, the British government decided to invest 1.5 billion pounds to help the music industry which would have thankfully saved 10.000 jobs.