Post-mortem, the release of a new title co-produced by Avicii
Two years after the Swedish artists passed away, we keep discovering new tracks. After the release of five bonus titles on his album “True” we came upon a new title “The Otherside”. Co-produced with the artist Country Cam, she had just released her own album also called “The Otherside”.
The American artist gave an interview about the track and how Avicii was meticulous when producing his titles, he could play again and again the same title to give us the perfect music. During her interview, here are few words she said about her co-producer: “I got to co-write with Avicii before he passed away on this incredible song that I’m obsessed with. I felt I had to get this right for his tastes, for how much of a perfectionist he was, and also just for his family and his legacy. I’m so proud of how it came together”.
Click here to watch the interview and tell us what’s your favorite track from Avicii.