The Vinyl sale overtakes the CD sales
Compare to any other sectors, it seems that the year 2020 wasn’t completely bad after all. Indeed, it is the best year for Vinyl sales in the United Kingdom and United States. Here are some figures, over the past decades.
According to the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), $232 million in vinyl music sales between January and June 2020, compared to only $144 million in CD sales, almost the double amount.
Good news, generally never come alone, but we’ve also realized that the tape sales have increased by 85% since January 2020, another sector the Pandemic didn’t destroy, yet.
And as you can imagine, all of this thanks to …the lockdown!
Drew Hill, Managing Director of Proper Music, the UK’s largest independent distributor of vinyl and CDs, to The Guardian newspaper, is also very surprised by those figures, he had imagined another scenario for his industry.
But nothing can compete with the crackling sound of the Vinyl, stayed too long in the attic. Here is a good idea for Christmas presents, don’t thank us.